The best solution? Wear sunglasses and then just shift your eyes side-to-side. Some people might feel uncomfortable doing this.Īfter all, mama said that staring is rude. In order to obtain tells from opponents you have to actually stare at them for extended periods of time. Wearing Sunglasses to Hide the Fact That You Might Be Gathering Tells This just happens to be information that you would prefer your opponents not have. Happiness, joy, pain, and concern are all emotions that can be revealed by the eyes. It’s been well-documented that the eyes convey just about every emotion a person might be feeling. Here is a video that will highlight the importance of the eyes in using physical tells against your opponents. Where a person looks (or does not look) during a poker hand can give away a lot of information. In fact, several of the tells listed by Mike Caro in his book of poker tells talk about the eyes. There are a few very well known poker tells that involve the eyes. Wearing Sunglasses to Hide Physical Tells Opponents of Sunglasses and Pushes to Ban the Practiceġ.
Wearing Sunglasses for image or fashion reasons Getting in a Certain Midset by Wearing Sunglasses